Fresh everyday RESTAURANT

Health is tasty & beautiful

VANA [v’a:na]is a Swedish word meaning ‘habit,’ and for us, it represents the practice of eating healthily and nurturing both the body and mind.

Marta Adamska - właścicielka VANA

Marta Adamska

CEO & Founder

Welcome to the VANA restaurant

We have just moved into Garnizon in Gdańsk but we feel like we have been here forever!

Check out our menu

Carefully selected ingredients and natural products

Do you love breakfast dishes?
We too! That’s why we serve breakfast in VANA all day long!

Indulge in five original fruit smoothie bowls crafted with care. Among them, discover the first Acai Bowl in Tricity, proudly recognized as the “Certified Acai Lover”

Freshly prepared salads and nutritious protein bowls to your own composition.

The smoothies we serve are full of vitamins and “super foods”. Due to their balanced recipe, they are an ideal meal replacement for busy customers.

Do you want to eat healthily but don’t have time to cook? It’s not a problem, we’ll take care of it!

Health starts with what we eat. I created Vana, believing that nutritious dishes do not have to be boring! In my opinion, they are delicious and quickly become a natural “Vana” – a healthy habit.

Marta Adamska
CEO & Founder

New products in our store

Discover the VANA online store full of delicacies and branded gadgets.

Favorite flavors also in your kitchen!

Embark on a flavorful journey with our artisanal granolas Oat My God by VANA , thoughtfully crafted in collaboration with @agatagotuje.

The perfect morning starts with coffee!

Enjoy the essence of our original VANA coffee blend, sourced from the lush hills of Brazilian Carno de Minas, now available for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home!

Become part of our community!

Explore the allure of sustainable living through VANA’s distinctive collection of branded gadgets. These are not only accessories, but also an expression of your commitment to a more ecological and conscious lifestyle.

Vana is not only a restaurant, it is healthy habits for everyday life. Check out our products that will help you change every day.